Janet Messineo
Surfcaster, Writer, Wildlife Artist

Island Taxidermy and Wildlife Art Studio
I graduated from the Pennsylvania Institute of Taxidermy in 1987. I specialize in saltwater skin mounts and mount trophies for local fishermen and visitors from around the world. Along the journey to perfect my art, I have had the pleasure of doing work for Jim Belushi, Spike Lee, William Weld, Charles Ogletree, Bill Clinton and many other prominent people. Fish that I have mounted are hanging on the walls of 36 states across the nation and in China, Canada and England.
I have an unending love and immense respect for the Striped Bass. I hope the feeling shows in my artwork. Every fish that I begin with is unique in it's own way resulting in each peice being one of a kind.
My taxidermy work will be displayed in the Martha's Vineyard Historical Museum when they open their new building in Vineyard Haven in the spring of 2019